
interactive_imshow(X, cmap=None, norm=None, aspect=None, interpolation=None, alpha=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, origin=None, extent=None, autoscale_cmap=True, filternorm=True, filterrad=4.0, resample=None, url=None, ax=None, slider_format_string=None, title=None, figsize=None, display=True, force_ipywidgets=False, play_buttons=False, play_button_pos='right', **kwargs)[source]

Control an image using widgets.

  • X (function or image like) – If a function it must return an image-like object. See matplotlib.pyplot.imshow for the full set of valid options.

  • cmap (str or ~matplotlib.colors.Colormap) – The Colormap instance or registered colormap name used to map scalar data to colors. This parameter is ignored for RGB(A) data. forwarded to matplotlib

  • norm (~matplotlib.colors.Normalize, optional) – The .Normalize instance used to scale scalar data to the [0, 1] range before mapping to colors using cmap. By default, a linear scaling mapping the lowest value to 0 and the highest to 1 is used. This parameter is ignored for RGB(A) data. forwarded to matplotlib

  • autoscale_cmap (bool) – If True rescale the colormap for every function update. Will not update if vmin and vmax are provided or if the returned image is RGB(A) like. forwarded to matplotlib

  • aspect ({‘equal’, ‘auto’} or float) – forwarded to matplotlib

  • interpolation (str) – forwarded to matplotlib

  • ax (matplotlib axis, optional) – if None a new figure and axis will be created

  • slider_format_string (None, string, or dict) – If None a default value of decimal points will be used. For ipywidgets this uses the new f-string formatting For matplotlib widgets you need to use % style formatting. A string will be used as the default format for all values. A dictionary will allow assigning different formats to different sliders. note: For matplotlib >= 3.3 a value of None for slider_format_string will use the matplotlib ScalarFormatter object for matplotlib slider values.

  • title (None or string) – If a string then you can have it update automatically using string formatting of the names of the parameters. i.e. to include the current value of tau: title=’the value of tau is: {tau:.2f}’

  • figsize (tuple or scalar) – If tuple it will be used as the matplotlib figsize. If a number then it will be used to scale the current rcParams figsize

  • display (boolean) – If True then the output and controls will be automatically displayed

  • force_ipywidgets (boolean) – If True ipywidgets will always be used, even if not using the ipympl backend. If False the function will try to detect if it is ok to use ipywidgets If ipywidgets are not used the function will fall back on matplotlib widgets

  • play_buttons (bool or dict or list(str), optional) – Whether to attach an ipywidgets.Play widget to any sliders that get created. If a boolean it will apply to all kwargs, if a dictionary you choose which sliders you want to attach play buttons too. If a list of strings use the names of the parameters that you want to have sliders

  • play_button_pos (str, or dict, or list(str)) – ‘left’ or ‘right’. Whether to position the play widget(s) to the left or right of the slider(s)


  • fig (matplotlib figure)

  • ax (matplotlib axis)

  • controls (list of widgets)